Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Chapters 6-10
P 27-59
Chapter 6
Postulate: To make claim for; demand
Assuage: To pacify or calm
Itinerant: Traveling from place to place
Antenatally: Occurring before birth
Lascivious: Exciting sexual desires
Archetypal: a prototype
The Greeks believed in “music of the spheres” or circular movement of the stars as being sonic harmonies (28). Music was the union of word and sound into the expression of an idea. It was the 1st form of education because it introduced laws and tradition (29). Coincidence? Why/ Why Not?
Other cultures also believed music conveyed the rhythms of the universe (31). Do you think String Theory might be ‘on to something’ if so many cultures view music as being connected to everything?
Even during Biblical times music was utilized to help cure ailments. Today we have music therapy as a profession/ means to aide in healing. (33)
Chapter 7
Music is a means to bring us closer to God. This is demonstrated throughout many religions across the ages and the world. Why do you think this is so?
Chapter 8
Pundits: A Brahman scholar or learned man
Dissension: Difference of opinion
Milieu: An environment or a setting.
Gestalt: a configuration or pattern of elements so unified as a whole that it cannot be described merely as a sum of its parts
Antithesis: Direct contrast; opposition.
Dictum: An authoritative, often formal pronouncement
Eschews: To avoid; shun
Orgiastic: Arousing or causing unrestrained emotion
Aesthetes: One who cultivates an unusually high sensitivity to beauty, as in art or nature
Psycho-galvanic reflex: a momentary decrease in the apparent electrical resistance of the skin resulting from activity of the sweat glands in response to mental or emotional stimulation
Undulating: To cause to move in a smooth wavelike motion
Ephemeral: Lasting for a markedly brief time
Composers’ works and styles have the ability to reveal weaknesses, strengths, and inmost thoughts and feelings. Why type/style of music do you think expresses the compositions within your heart? (41)
Performers stress the importance of the communication of feelings and emotion. What is your favorite song? Why is the song especially endearing to you? (46)
“Trash music adds to the crippling of human beings…” (50). What is your reaction to Eger’s statement?
Chapter 9
Dissent: To differ in opinion or feeling
Contemptuous: Manifesting or feeling contempt; scornful
Do you compose music? Briefly describe how you go about writing your compositions (56).
Chapter 10
Terra incognita: A new or unexplored field of knowledge
Turgid: Excessively ornate or complex in style or language
Rapacious: Taking by force; plundering.
Lucre: Money or profits
Erudite: Characterized by erudition; learned
Dalliance: Frivolous spending of time; dawdling. 2.Playful flirtation.
To what dream is Eger referring on p. 59?