Critical Thinkers: Online Book Discussion
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Chapter 32-36
Chapter 32
“Process thinking refers to the fact that the universe is in a continual process—is always changing—in al life, politics, the heavens, and the atom. Nothing is static, nothing is rigid. All is in flux (202).”
“Theory without practice becomes little more than high-sounding philosophical banter, while action without scientific theory behind it has led, time after time, to dead ends and destruction (202).”
“Unless something is done to revive the reality of what it is to be a human being, to halt the dismantlement of moral and ethical values and of the entire earth environment, to being the rebuilding of our earth home, and to get quickly to these tasks, nature’s reality will continue to punish us all, guilty and innocent, rich and poor alike. But we need not be willing participants in our own demise (203).” What is your reaction to this statement?
Do you find yourself not remember names in a group of people because you are too busy paying attention to the dynamics of the room (205)?
Chapter 33
“…music is, at the least, a guide to a theory of everything (209).”
Chapter 34
Perfect pitch is the ability to sing an absolute pitch (that could be matched to the piano) ‘off the top of your head.’ In the book on p. 219 Dr. Schlaug says, “There can be a much higher incidence of absolute pitch in musicians out there if all of us were exposed to music much earlier.” I wonder how much, what type, and in what manner we would need to be exposed to music to learn perfect pitch.
Chapter 35
Scintilla: A minute amount; an iota or trace.
“The answer is that all art, science, philosophy, politics, social structure, and culture are adaptations to the music of the universe (223).”
Chapter 36
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.
-William Blake